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Additional options

Additional options
SpectraLine 1.7 package is expanded by additional options: ExpertIdentification, NuclearMaterials, Stereo, Atomtex, СПОРО, Remote, SpectraLineTouch.
Update date: 27-01-2021
System requirements:
Windows 7, 8, 10
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Additional option for expert identification of complex spectra. The main features are:
  • the unidentified lines analysis using the whole radionuclides database (on the basis of ENSDF data);
  • radionuclides filtration by half-life period, energy spectra etc.;
  • decay chains analysis;
  • escape peaks, true and random summation peaks analysis.
Additional option for determination of isotopic composition of uranium and plutonium for both planar and coaxial HPGe-detectors. The main features are:
  • modeling of the form of x-radiation line;
  • detection efficiency correction by the measured sample;
  • specialized reports;
  • determination of the degree of uranium enrichment and isotopic composition of plutonium;
  • determination of the degree of uranium enrichment by the relative method for the samples in standard geometry.
Additional option for SpectraLine software package and it is intended for processing and calculation of activity distribution of complex objects from different measurement points.

Additional option for spectra reading from spectrometers of Atomtex of MKS-series of different modifications and for Atomtex spectra opening in .spz, .sz2 formats.

Additional option for interpretation of the measurement results and waste categorization.

Additional option that enables to run SpectraLine software package in background mode with remote control by the special restricted protocol.

Additional option for tablet computers.

Additional option for continuous monitoring of radiation.

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